Privacy Policy

Last updated October 2022

Welcome to Garabyte, we work with our customers to build programs and processes to protect personal data. Transparency is important to us and we will only use your personal information to deliver our services and manage our business relationship with you. This notice explains what information we collect, how we use it, who we share it with, how it is protected, and where to go for more information.

  • It is information that identifies who you are. It does not include business contact information; that is, information that enables you to be contacted in your place of business (for example your name, business telephone number, business address, or business email)
  • When you provide it to us directly for example by filling in a form on our website.
  1. To respond to requests for more information from those who fill in a form on our website or contact us directly.
  2. To keep you updated about our company via newsletter, blog posts, information about our events, if you decide to consent to this. If you change your mind and want to stop receiving this information, send an email to and we will stop sending you updates.
  3. To meet our legal obligations
  • The information is used only by Garabyte, we don’t sell or share your personal information. However, to run our business we do work with third parties for things like book-keeping and website maintenance. We may need to share your personal information with these third parties but only for the purpose of them being able to do the work for us. It is possible that your personal information may be shared outside of Canada and maybe be subject to access by the law enforcement authorities of those jurisdictions in which the third parties are located.
  • We use industry standard technical and organizational measures in accordance with applicable legal provisions to protect your Personal Information against alteration, accidental or unlawful loss, use, disclosure or unauthorized access.

  • We work to ensure that the personal Information that we hold remains accurate. However, if you have any doubts about that you can send us a detailed written request to correct your Personal Information to . You can also request access to your information by contacting us at the same email address.  We may have to ask you to verify yourself just to ensure we are disclosing information to the right person.

  • Contact us and we will work to respond to you in a timely manner. The more detail you provide about what you are looking for, the easier it will be for us to provide you with what you are looking for. If we are unable to resolve the concern, you may write to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada for further guidance:
      • Website:
      • By Phone: 1 800 282 1376 or 819 994 5444
      • By Fax: 819 994 5424
      • By TTY: 819 994 6591
  • This policy was last updated October 2022.  As our business grows and evolves, this policy may change. We will always post an update and let you know if there is a material difference in how we manage your personal information.

    If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy, please feel free to contact us at